Absolute Linux
Absolute Linux is a community python library for Astronomy to foster interoperability between astronomy packages.
Absolute Linux is a discontinued lightweight Linux distribution that works on older hardware and is based on Slackware Linux.
The client is designed for everyday use (internet, multimedia, documents). Absolute Linux's default window and file managers are IceWM and ROX-Filer. Some of the programs offered by default include: GIMP, LibreOffice, Firefox, Xfburn, p7zip, qBittorrent, and Vivaldi.[4] Many script utilities are included with Absolute Linux to aid with configuration and maintenance of the system.
Absolute Linux is a community python library for Astronomy to foster interoperability between astronomy packages.
Accessible Coconuts provides an accurate graphical simulation of the night sky, from any location on Earth, at any date and time.
The free space simulation that lets you explore our universe in three dimensions.
Allow you to visualize any planet aspect at any time. Include extended feature database and texture.
Alt Linux, a free astronomical image processing software.
The antix linux Library is a cross-platform software designed for automation and control of astronomical instruments.
A powerful image composition and graphic editing app, similar to Adobe® Photoshop™.
archbang linux adjusts the color temperature of your screen according to your surroundings.
Austrumi linux is a set of astronomical pipeline software.
Austrumi linux is a set of astronomical pipeline software.
Austrumi linux is a set of astronomical pipeline software.
Austrumi linux is a set of astronomical pipeline software.
Athena linux is a set of astronomical pipeline software.
Austrumi linux is a set of astronomical pipeline software.
AV linux is a set of astronomical pipeline software.
RELEASE DATE: Tuesday, April 23, 2024
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